Our services

Legal Nurse Consulting

A legal nurse consultant bridges the gap between medicine and the law in litigation. Since medical records form the basis of claims, our legal nurses provide you with an analysis crucial to developing a winning case.

Expert Witness

Our legal nurse consultants can help in litigation by serving as an expert witness. We analyze and explain information to the jury or trier of fact. Because of their important role, many law firms have a legal nurse consultant on their team. Others may choose to retain the services of a legal nurse consultant on an as-needed basis.

Medical Case Evaluation

Knowing the facts in the medical records can help you understand the medicine, better represent your client, and save you and your staff time and effort. Meticulously prepared medical case evaluation report with substantiated facts you can count on to make your case.

Medical Research

 Accurate, fact-based research can support your client’s claims or weaken your opponent’s case. Let us do the research for you

Our consultants understand medical terms and conditions, making it far easier for us to identify the relevant information for you.

Defense Medical Examination

Our experienced, caring nurses attend the DME as your eyes and ears and offer comfort for your client.

We implement your requirements for the exam, prepare a report of what transpired and can become your rebuttal witness in court.

Pain & Suffering Analysis

Explaining conscious pain and suffering is often complex. We clearly detail how your client’s life has changed post-incident, considering their injuries and required treatment. This analysis can be used pre-suit to influence early settlement, to provoke a higher settlement later on or as a basis for expert fact testimony.

Economic Damages Analysis

Determine if the hospital bills are accurate. Anticipate future costs of therapy, medications, equipment, surgeries or at home care. Do you need a life care plan or will a cost projection suffice? Our team of certified coders, billing auditors, and life care planners prepare reports & testify to justify the case numbers.

Medicare Set Aside

This service will be offered soon.

Mediation and Trial Graphic

A picture is worth a thousand words! Helping jurors understand complex medical conditions and follow a fact pattern in your case is more easily achieved through a visual than the spoken word.
Whether for mediation or trial, we help you develop trial graphics, medical charts, illustrations and PowerPoint Presentations essential to making your case.

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2424 E. York Street, #231
Philadelphia, PA 19125





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